BREXIT- A big mistake

Lord Karan Bilimoria has said that according to the British people the EU was expensive, out of touch and a source of uncontrolled immigration, which led to the BREXIT. He made these comments while speaking on ‘A Parsi’s view on the future of India, UK and European Union in the context of BREXIT’ at the 11th D.D Kosambi Festival of Ideas at Kala Academy on Thursday.

Sharing his experience on his visit to the United Kingdom in the early 1980’s, Bilimoria said that the country and its economy could not have seemed more different from the one he had the privilege to reflect on from the benches of the House of Lords.

Bilimoria further mentioned that when he departed India, his family and friends told him that he would never get to the top in Britain or would never be allowed to get to the top as a foreigner, or indeed as an entrepreneur.

He said that late Margaret Thatcher changed all of that. “She created opportunities that allowed him as an immigrant and as an entrepreneur, to succeed and to be where he is today,” said Bilimoria. He added that under her influence Britain and its attitude to enterprise was transformed.

Speaking on the contribution of Asian community in Britain’s economy, Bilimoria said that, the success of the Asian community in Britain today, which makes up about 4% of the population, contributes more than double that to the economy could not have been accomplished without the efforts of Thatcher.

Bilimoria ended the session by saying that one should have a vision to aspire and achieve against all odds with integrity.


Pic Credit - Shivang Mishra I NT GOGOANOW.COM