Decoding the stereotypes on gender inequality

The Difficult Dialogues 2018, a forum for discussing public oriented issues, was inaugurated on Friday.

This year the focus at the forum is in on how the Indian gender constructs and affects fundamental aspect of daily lives and citizenship. It is aimed at bringing civil society, media, academic experts, activists and people working at community level with government and non-governmental organisations together.

The other motive of Difficult Dialogues is to share knowledge about gender – its determinants, expressions, diversity, and positive and negative consequences – to start a dialogue on how gender norms can be transformed to improve the lives of everyone.

The panel discussions over the next two days will involve topics such as; disrupting masculinity at the workplace, gender Inequalities and potential reformations in Indian Muslims, gender in street situations and UN general comment, portrayal of gender in cinema, #MeToo and the Missing Conversation, empowerment within the family: women and the law, trafficking and vulnerability, women in politics and women in education and science and technology.

The event will also feature the finale of ‘Daring Debates’. Daring Debates is a debate series which aims to bring students from varied backgrounds and regions in the discourse of critical issues that are of concern in a country like India.

Daring Debates 2018 will attempt to invoke a discussion on gender equality. The topic; “Is empowering women a dilemma for men” will be contested between teams, each consisting of two members – one speaking for, and the other against the motion.

[The event will be held across two venues i.e. Goa University and International Centre Goa (ICG) and is open to all]


Pic Credit - Shivang Mishra I NT GOGOANOW.COM