Explore St. Thomas Church in 360 degrees

With virtual reality, you can now virtually tour every corner of St. Thomas Church, Aldona, from anywhere at your convenience.


Celebrating 50 years of youth involvement, vr360degoa recently launched the first-ever 360 virtual map of St. Thomas Church, Aldona, blending technology and spirituality.

vr360degoa adds 360-degree virtual tours to websites, ensuring users worldwide can easily explore from the comfort of their homes. These virtual tours work with VR headsets, including devices like Meta, for a richer and engaging experience.

The 360 virtual mapping is a representation of the church architecture, carried out by Austin Lobo (Aldona) and Errol Vales (Saligao) from WHN Next (vr360degoa), capturing the essence of its sacred spaces and detailed features. It highlights a commitment not only to technological innovation but also to preserving the rich traditions that have shaped the church for over four centuries.

The exciting and engaging experience goes beyond just showing pictures. Compatible with VR headsets such as Meta’s Oculus Quest 2, Apple VR, individuals can now virtually step into the church from the comfort of their homes. This feature allows visitors to walk through the aisles, appreciate the beautiful stained glass windows, and fully experience a sense of spirituality that fills every part of the church.

Lobo says, “The mapping of St. Thomas Church stands out as the first of its kind for a church in Goa, making it a unique and historically important project that goes beyond typical real estate mapping.” He adds that the driving force behind vr360degoa’s decision to map St. Thomas Church was rooted in the aspiration to create a global connection for Goans. “The 50th anniversary of the Aldona Parish Youth served as an important and meaningful occasion for this initiative. Through the 360 virtual mapping, we aimed to establish a link between the former and current youth of Aldona with the church, allowing them to appreciate the beauty of the church and bring back nostalgia.”

The 360-degree virtual mapping is available both on the official website of St. Thomas Church and WHN Next (vr360degoa). “This ensures that people beyond the local community can virtually explore St. Thomas Church, promoting cultural exchange and sharing the heritage with a worldwide audience. The best part is that it can even be accessed on smartphones via the website,” says Vales.

Being the pioneers in Goa to create such a virtual mapping of a church, they faced several challenges throughout the process. Vales says, “One significant problem was mapping every point of the church correctly because of its detailed design and historical importance. Another challenge was making sure the lighting was just right. But, we managed to overcome these issues by paying close attention to every detail and working hard to capture the beauty of the church and its historical importance.”

The team’s future endeavours at vr360degoa involve collaborating with key clients in Goa to extend virtual mapping services to resorts and real estate. “We are currently in discussions with major stakeholders to enhance the mapping experience for these locations.”

vr360degoa is a vertical by WHN Next, Weddings De Goa also being one of them. Driven by the philosophy of ‘What Happens Next’ (WHN Next), this venture was born out of a passion for constant innovation. The journey began when the team at WHN Next noticed a gap in how Goa was represented globally. They observed that many places around the world, such as the U.S. and U.K., had adopted 360 virtual mapping, allowing users to virtually visit locations before physically being there. This realisation inspired to bring a similar concept to Goa.